Personal Training Services Suzy Quinn Fitness

Personal Training Services

Do you want to get active but struggle to find time for training? Do you feel demotivated or unsure about the next step of your fitness journey? If so, I’m here to help you. I offer a range of personal training services to help you achieve the body you want and adopt a new fitness lifestyle with confidence.

Take a look at the services I offer below and see which option could work best for you. If you would like any further information about my personal training services, please get in touch.

Personal Training Services 1-1

Face-to-Face Personal Training

Face-to-face training is a highly effective way for you to progress and smash your fitness targets. If you’re interested in personal training in Birmingham, you can work with me at PureGym Birmingham Arcadian.

Rather than just charging by the hour or offering bulk hourly packages, every 1-1 programme is carefully designed to suit your ability, your lifestyle and your goals. As a result, you can be sure to receive an effective and valuable personal training service.

Student packages are available!

Personal Training Services Online

Online Coaching

If you have a busy schedule, you may struggle to commit to in-person training. Online coaching offers a cost-effective solution with maximum flexibility, meaning you can complete your workouts at times that work best for you. It also means we can still work together even if you’re not based in Birmingham!

You will receive a tailor-made fitness programme, whether you want to complete your workouts in the gym or in the comfort of your own home, and we will have regular check-ins to ensure you have all the support and guidance you need to succeed in your training and reach your goals.

Training Plans

Training Plans

Maybe you feel that you don’t need the full personal training experience but would like to mix up your workout routine and incorporate some new exercises to advance your development. If this sounds like you, I can offer one-off 4 or 8 week training plans.

We can have a full discussion about your current fitness goals and focuses, and from there I will construct a training plan that is right for you that you can follow in your own time.

What To Expect

When you invest in my personal training services, you can expect to receive:

 ✔️ 24/7 Support

Whatever questions or worries you have, you will always receive full support. You are free to contact me whenever you need to and I’ll be more than happy to provide any help or guidance that you require.

 ✔️ Comprehensive Training Programmes

I ensure than all of my clients’ training plans are personalised, thorough and most importantly, enjoyable. They are designed to fully include all the components you need to meet your fitness goals.

 ✔️ Nutritional Guidance

Personally, I struggled with getting my nutrition on track for a long time, so I understand the importance of nutritional guidance. As a Certified Nutrition Coach, I can offer full support and advice to ensure your diet is healthy and doesn’t hinder your progress.

 ✔️ Regular Reviews

We will have weekly check-ins to monitor your progress and also a longer review at the end of each month. This will highlight how far you’ve come and we can discuss the next steps to continue your development.

 ✔️ Motivation

Consider me your personal cheerleader! My role is to provide consistent motivation to help you push forward on your journey to a healthier lifestyle.

 ✔️ An Improved Mindset

Once you improve your relationship with training and nutrition and begin to see results, you will notice the shift in your mindset. Fitness will seamlessly become a part of your life and an aspect you highly value.

Why Choose Me As Your Personal Trainer?

There are thousands of personal trainers, so you have a lot of options to choose from. However, this is why I believe you should choose to work with me:

Personal Training Committed


I am completely committed to providing you with the ultimate personal training experience and supporting you on your fitness journey. I will always give you 100% – your goals are my goals!

Personal Trainer Qualified


As a Level 3 Certified Personal Trainer, I have the skills and the knowledge to help you succeed. I am always expanding my learning in order to provide you with an excellent service.

Personal Trainer Relate


I’ve been in your shoes and I can relate to your journey. Fitness isn’t easy for anyone – including personal trainers! I understand your struggles and barriers and together we can work through them.

Personal Training FAQ

Some people are more than happy to follow their own fitness programme; however, if you find that you either lack motivation, struggle to find time to workout or you're unsure of what to do or where to start, personal training could be the best option for you.
We will have already gone through the consultation process to establish your current fitness level, your exercise preferences and your goals and I will have created a training plan for you based on this. During the first session, I will introduce you to your training plan, ensure you're comfortable and answer any questions you may have and also complete your measurements. I will be constantly checking in to make sure that you're happy and we'll have time to discuss and review the session at the end.
Typically your session will last one hour, however, your first and last session will be a little longer while we do your measurements/review.
I specialise in weight loss, muscle tone & development and strength & conditioning so if your goals fall into any of those categories, then yes! However, if your goals/needs lie elsewhere, you may be able to find another trainer that is better suited to you.
Before we begin your programme, I will log your weight and collect other key data such as BMI and body fat percentage, for example. I will also take photos of you so you can visually see the improvements you've made further down the line. We will check regularly to ensure you're on track to meet your targets.
It really depends on the service you're looking for. I build a custom training programme around you so how much it costs will depend on the package that's best for you. Personal training is an investment in yourself and you have to decide what value you place upon your health and fitness. If you assess your current expenditures and cut back on treats, alcohol or nights out, personal training can definitely be affordable.